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When a project is built or run, each .pxr file will open in an editor. You can also open files manually. The type of editor a .pxr files opens in will depend on the root type (video, audio, gui, etc.).

At the top-right of the editor region are four icons. Three of these allow you to switch between open editors. The maximize icon allows you to enlarge the editor area, minimizing all the other windows to the sides and providing more workspace.

All editors have their own toolbar, which contains at least two buttons. The play button toggles whether the root is active. The root properties button opens a window allowing you to set properties of the root component (such as video resolution and frame-rate). Not all root properties can be set while the root is active.

You can save a .pxr file at any time when the editor is active. You will also be prompted to save whenever a project is cleaned. Due to its distributed architecture, PraxisLIVE does not attempt to track all changes so will always prompt you to save.

Editor types